Thursday, January 25, 2007

what I want from Notes 8

These days the Lotusphere is ending. While I haven't got the opportunity to attend it, I did had the opportunity to read from others the new and improved about Notes 8.

And here comes what I'd like to have with Notes 8: I want a FAST email client which should store all my mails locally into a nsf database. I want it faster than my current Thunderbird, in terms of application load and grabbing mails (be it Notes server, POP3, IMAP, whatever). This email client would run as a instance of its own, allowing me to quick Alt-tab and see what new mails arrived.

Then, a second instance of Notes 8 would be my usual development environment, allowing me to open the designer, admin and the client, swithing ID's and scratching my head into the development area.

Notes 8 should allow me to:
- start a 'small' client, having only mails, calendaring and IM - with the speed of light. Perhaps I would need to create a shortcut like 'notes.exe -smallAndFast'
- allow running multiple instances of Notes8 on the same machine.

hmmm...not sure if Notes 8 will be totally Eclipse RCP, but I can start multiple Eclipse instances .... so ... maybe I will be able to do it.

Remember when I said: "forget Notes 7, let it be Notes 8 ?" :)


Anonymous said...

it is actually notes.exe -sa
You will see it when the R8 Beta goes public.

You might be out of luck with the multiple instances. At the core there is still the (revamped and improved) C++ Notes code accessed through custom SWT anf JNI.
:-) stw

Radu Cadariu said...

Hi Stephan, is it 'stw' as in 'search the web' or 'save the whales' ? :)

thanks for the -sa tip. If I'm out of luck I guess I have to stick with thunderbird as mail client, too bad ...