Thursday, December 21, 2006

bit of windows services

Have you ever played with the command 'sc' ? Me not. Me start today. Me like it :)

Trying to set up SVN to start as a service, I found it very interesting. The 'sc' command allows you to create,delete and play with any of your Windows services available in your Start\Run\services.msc

Note: be careful ! I am not to be held responsible if you accidentally delete your core Win services, so do this on your own risk !!

It's been several months now that I've had a "test" service (not even sure how I created it, must have been some play sometime). But I could not delete it, actually I did not had the time to look for how to delete it.

Now, accidentally, I've found the solution:

C:\>sc delete test
[SC] DeleteService SUCCESS

whoooow ! this is fun !

and there's more to it: if you have a longer service name, try first the GetKeyName option, like the following example:

C:\>sc GetKeyName "Kerio Personal Firewall 4"
[SC] GetServiceKeyName SUCCESS Name = KPF4

C:\>sc delete KPF4
[SC] DeleteService SUCCESS

(Kerio personal fw was another service I could not get rid in ages, thus it stayed 'disabled', waiting for me to discover the sc command. )

Now it's time to return to SVN ...

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