Monday, October 31, 2011

Notes 8.5.3 tweaks - linux style

1. The now classic tweak for increasing the Notes underlying IBM JVM heap.

sudo vi /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/framework/rcp/deploy/

This is the location now.

This first point needs an update. Seems that Lotus Client 8.5.3 is also incorporating eclipse helios, thus OSGI, thus new tweaking for performance (search saint google for eclipse helios performance tweaks)

Experimental, in above file I now run the following old/new stuff:


Performance gain ? have no idea except that's now even snappier than before :)

2. I noticed an annoyance: when starting, client would not open my local replica mail db for about half minute, staying and doing .... something...
Turned out it was looking for the remote servers where I have the mail db replicas. Once I deleted the shortcuts from the Notes Workspace, it all regained the speed, directly opening the local replica and leave me alone to do my stuff in the mail db.

So, if you experience delays after you've entered the Notes client, you might as well remove some shortcuts from your workspace, to Domino servers not working or not available or something like this...

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