Monday, June 06, 2011

JazzHub Beta

now, this is something worth space on my blog, in order advocate good technology.

I've been increasingly using Jazz and RTC, it actually rocks, so next things have to get better ...

update: Following Dan's comment below...

My first thought is that IBM is now following a better strategy into making its smart technology popular, starting with college and university levels, where it should start. And not necessary with students, but with their professors, lectors and whoever theaches them.

One personal example: I've been recently speaking to a group of 20 students in a workshop held in Bucharest, sort of internal event. These students are learning IT applied to economics. It came to no surprise that they are NOT learning practical things, and the only key concepts they were aware of are those from their own personal lives: working on windows desktops, developing sites, some hearing about freelancing. And that's about it. Their IT general knowledge was so limited that I have spoken things they didn't understood: Ant ? What's that ? Development ? Yes, I've made some html pages, at home ...

Why ? Because they did not learn at school, and that's because their teachers are also limited in their knowledge.

Same thing here: Jazz as technology is lowering the gap between business and IT when it comes to development. It's smart technology, should be made popular. This is a smart move, so get your students there and challenge them, ask them to learn the new things, give them the bigger picture, out of their homes. Some day they might want to follow a development path, and they'll come to interviews telling us how they did development at home and not know what svn or git or ant is ...

1 comment:

Dan said...

Interested to hear your thoughts on JazzHub.