With my recent downfall into Worklight and understanding the mobile landscape, I installed Worklight 6.1 Studio on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32bit.
After the install ( Eclipse Juno and WL 6.1 plugins ) I started to look around and here's the picture I've got:
a) Eclipse Juno, WL 6.1, WAS LP 8.5.x, IBM's JDK 1.6 forms the local environment which allows one developer to do the work.
Then the developer discovers Google's ADT, ADB and wonders how the heck can he build the Android .apk for the Worklight application
b) Enter ADT plugin for Eclipse, which brings in Adroid SDKs and Android Virtual Devices, with it's tooling. But these require (Sun) Oracle JDK.
So the dilemma here is: how can one developer keep Eclipse Juno with IBM's JDK, while building the Android app with Oracle JDK.
One solution might be creating two Eclipse Juno environments, one with WL 6.1 Studio, another with ADT plugin, both loading the same project. I am yet to test this.
The frustrating thing for Linux Eclipse Juno users (where I discovered the solution in a forum) is that eclipse.ini has to specify Oracle's JDK this form, and this form only [notice the lack of java binary]