Thursday, April 19, 2012

jazz savings - figures

As sometimes happens, looking for something and hit another one. I'm posting this just to back the findings with my feelings, don't take it for granted:

These figures just might be true, and that is because of RTC flexibility. You can do whatever your project tells you to. The problem domain shifts from the tool focus to how to best make use of it.

After getting your way around (I'd estimate two weeks of playing for a seasonable architect) with workitems / source control / process setup, you start discovering that you're asking different questions to yourself, like: what am I going to do with it ? I have everything in one place:

- epics / stories (or whatever your process is saying) for business users to tell their needs to the nerds (that is the crowd making things happen ... ha)
- tasks for your crowd to track their work against
- defects for business/tech to track bugs -> unavoidable ... :)
- source control to manage the code

So you see, bridging the gap between business and tech staff adds savings to your company, I'd dare to say ...

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